Reasons to become a PSA/CPSU member
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The CPSU stands up for what matters to you at Macquarie including health and safety, job security, family friendly conditions, job satisfaction and career progression. The CPSU supports education and training for all General Staff and lobbies for on-the-job training. The benefits flow onto everyone.
Safer workplace
Statistics show that you're less likely to suffer from injury working in a unionised workplace. The CPSU encourages members to elect representatives who are then legally entitled to monitor health and safety at work.
In sickness and in health
If you're injured at work, we are there to help you with your medical and legal needs.
Know your rights
The CPSU has a long and proud history of defending the rights of working women, part timers and casuals. It is much more difficult for employers to discriminate against union members who are aware of their rights. Anti-discrimination laws, paid maternity leave and family leave were all won by unions who continue to fight for improved conditions for all staff.
Improve your advantage
University managements have their own unions to advance their interests. The best way to protect yourself and advance your interests, and those of all General Staff, is to become a member of the CPSU.
Demand respect
No member of staff should be bullied or harassed. You deserve respect and the CPSU makes sure you get it.
Never stand alone
CPSU members have been active at Macquarie University from the start. If you join the CPSU, you will be one of close to 200,000 workers in a range of industries. The CPSU is a member of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) the peak council and national centre representing around 1.8 million union members.
Get involved
Unions are involved in important social and community issues. The environment, women's movement, Aboriginal reconciliation, rebuilding East Timor and other overseas aid and rights for refugees are just some of the social justice issues unions become involved with.
Earn more
Union members throughout Australia earn between 15-25% more than non union workers. Overtime rates, annual leave, rostered days off, redundancy agreements, long service leave payments - these are all conditions fought for by the CPSU. Employers do not just hand out entitlements.
Safeguard your rights
Job security, superannuation, paid parental leave, training, shorter working hours, securing your entitlements, protecting your future, unfair dismissals ..... the list goes on. The CPSU is at the forefront of these campaigns.